Libraries and Literacy


Resources on Collaborations and Partnerships

The Family Literacy Resource Notebook by the Ohio Literacy Resource Center has an excellent chapter on collaboration and family literacy. It includes a chart of typical roles provided by different providers and has descriptions on how to connect and work with partners. The chapter includes a mock grant writing scenario on how to collaborate to write a grant.

Community Collaborations for Family Literacy Handbook, by Shelley Quezada and Ruth S. Nickse (1993). New York, NY: Neal-Schumann Publishers, Inc.
This handbook is divided into three major sections. The first provides an overview of the history of family literacy with background information to provide a justification for family literacy programs. The second section contains specific suggestions for practical steps in convening a cross-section of community providers to develop a shared plan for specific family programs. The third section details a step-by-step process that will help the reader write a successful family literacy proposal. This annotation comes from the Texas Adult Literacy Clearinghouse.

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