- State Archives of Florida
- State Library of Florida
- State Records Center
- Florida Administrative Code
- State Library and Archives' Capitol Branch
- Florida Memory Project
- Florida Electronic Library
- Meetings and Minutes
- Friends of the State Library and Archives of Florida Donate New Microfilm Reader Printer to the State Archives
To enrich the collections, services, and activities of the State Library and Archives for the benefit of Florida’s residents and visitors.
Executive Board Members
- David Nelson, President
- Deanna Ramsey, Secretary
- Loretta Flowers, Treasurer
Friends of the State Library and Archives of Florida
Friends of the State Library and Archives of Florida Donate Items to the State Archives

The Friends of the State Library and Archives of Florida donated a map case to the State Library of Florida's research room to store Florida Geological Survey and census maps. These maps were previously stored in folders, laid across shelves, and stored in map tubes. The new map case now provides the public with easy access to these valuable maps in the State Library.
Also, the Friends purchased Corporate Minute Book Binders to secure the 2008 Acts of the Legislature housed in the State Archives and secured funding to replace and redesign outdated State Library cards.
The Friends of the State Library and Archives of Florida strives to enrich library, archives, and records management services for the benefit of Florida's residents by promoting and supporting the programs and services of the State Library and Archives of Florida.
For more information on the Friends of the State Library and Archives of Florida, contact Jennifer Womble at 850.245.6604 or visit the Friends' Web page.