State Library Council
- Overview
- ByLaws of the State Library Council
- Council Members
- Meetings & Minutes
- Governmental Affairs Subcommittee
State Library and Archives of Florida Programs
State Library Council
The State Library Council, which was created by Section 257.02, Florida Statutes, has nine members, who are appointed by the Secretary of State for four-year terms. Of the nine members, at least one must represent a Florida library professional association; at least one must represent a Florida archival professional association; at least one must represent a Florida records management professional association; and at least one must be a person who is not, and has never been, employed in a library or in teaching library science courses.
The Secretary of State may, in making appointments, consult Florida's professional library, archival, or records management community and related statewide associations and organizations for suggestions as to persons with special knowledge or interest concerning libraries, archives, or records management programs.
Contact Us:
For questions or concerns, contact Jennifer Womble at 850.245.6604 or email jwomble@dos.myflorida.com
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